Emirates Arabic Pro
Pearlink Software Order Form
You may need to check your Control Panel to see that files for complex scripts
and right-to-left languages are installed on your computer in order to read the Arabic text.

Enter your name, telephone number, billing address (the address your credit card statement is sent to), and your email address below.

First Name: الإسم الشخصي


Last Name: إسم العائلة

City, State and Country: المدينة والدولة


Telephone Number: رقم الهاتف

Billing Address: العنوان البريدي


Shipping Address: عنوان الشحن


E-mail Address:     :عنوان البريد الالكتروني
Confirm your e-mail address:   :توكيد عنوان البريد الألكتروني
Make sure to enter your email address accurately as you will need it at installation with downloading instructions.




eArabic Pro - version 6.0* Pack
    Arabic language tutoring software

 Institution Single User: $495 USD*
 Individual License: $395 USD

Personal Single User License
Plus shipping
Limited Time Offer
Save $100 USD
*Ask for Multi-User License Discount

Select shipping method*:
UPS FedEx DHL Canada Post Shipping Info
UPS FedEx DHL Canada Post

Operating System:

 Windows XP    Windows Vista  Windows 7
 Macintosh with Windows XP or Windows 7 OS

Select A License Type:  الرخصة المطلوبة

  Single User للاستخدام الشخصي
Multi-Users Site License - (Institutions only) إستخدام مشترك - مدرسي
Institutions are required to fill in an APPLICATION FORM for multi-users Site license at Multi-Users

Contact us for special shipping and handling instructions or special delivery requests by using the "Comments" field below for details. Allow 3-10 days for delivery within the continental USA and Canada.

Extra comments on your order:   إرشادات ومعلومات إضافية متعلقة بهذا الطلب


Orders are processed several times each business day, and finally at 6:00pm EST. If your order is submitted after business hours then there is a very good chance your order will not be processed until the following business day.

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